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Destiny RestoredRusted HeartDragon BloodGiftTrial by BloodDragon RogueDestined TimeMercenaryAquatic InvestigationsChangelingPolestarDragon HeatPedigree CollectionProwlerSurfacingAwakenedWishDragon SteelGorilla in the HissHealerHoneyed NutFUCN’A Collection OneDiamond in the RuffTough NutReturn FlightSteamy Cogs II
About the Author…

Rarely seen in the wild without flashy notebooks and colourful pens, Jodi Kendrick lives in Eastern Ontario Canada with her Favourite Person.
As a romance author, she writes in paranormal, fantasy, steampunk & gaslamp subgenres, delving into urban fantasy and paranormal women’s fiction. Her characters are often quirky, sometimes cranky, but they all woman-up and get the job done while their partners ensure they survive with all their bits and bobs attached.